Resealing the Windows

This was something that we had put off for a while. Once we researched it it didn’t seem too difficult so we went ahead and got it done.

The only windows that had been taken out were the emergency hatches and the other seals were in good shape so we didn't touch them.

The first step was removing the old sealant and cleaning up area the new stuff would go. I used a dull chisel and a set of angled scribes and it took about five minutes to get the old sealant off.

After cleaning the area the new sealant would go I applied the caulk. We used clear Lexel as it has a wide temperature range and can be applied to nearly every surface on our bus plus it's paintable. After applying a good sized bead I went back and used my finger (gloved) to push the sealant into the cracks. To do this simply dip your finger or papertowl in warm soapy water and run it directly over the bead.

Materials we used:

Lexel adhesive caulk - Amazon

Chisel - My old toolbox but these are comparable

A set of angled scribes (sometimes called hook and pick sets) - Also my old toolbox